Pre-Press Publishing Services
Proofreading: $25/hour.
Copyediting - Nonfiction: Our most common editing service, fees quoted on a per word basis. A "rewriting" option where our editors make the recommended changes to text, is also available. Deliverable: One Word document with Track Changes enabled, showing edits, and one with changes "accepted" for easier readability. Based on a price per word.
Copyediting - Fiction: Beginning with a manuscript review ($350), we offer an edit with attention to character development, narrative, dialogue and plot. A "rewriting" option where the recommended changes to text, is also available. Deliverable: One Word document with Track Changes enabled, showing edits, and one with changes "accepted" for easier readability. Based on a price per word.
Design and Layout
Interior design and layout: Quotes are based on the number of estimated book pages and the number of images and charts included, which are optimized for best print results. Deliverable: High-resolution print-ready PDF prepared to the specifications of the book manufacturer selected, including POD (print-on-demand) Amazon KDP and IngramSpark.
Cover design: Deliverable is one high-resolution print-ready PDF prepared to the specifications of the book manufacturer selected for each of the formats desired.
eBooks: We handcode eBooks for the most common e-readers and apps—and design them to replicate the published print design but make use of current e-reader features. Deliverable: ePub file meeting the latest international eBook standards, ready for upload to the most common online booksellers, from Amazon to Apple.
General Publishing Consultation
Not sure what options you have for printing or distributing your book? Not sure about copyrights and ISBNs? No matter what services we provide, we are available by email or phone to answer any questions you may have about the publishing process.
Assistance with Amazon and IngramSpark Setup*
*Available only for print layout and eBook customers